Wayfair (W)

Wayfair (W)  engages in the e-commerce business in the United States. It offers approximately seven million products for the home under various brands. The company offers a selection of furniture, décor, decorative accent, houseware, seasonal décor, and other home goods under the Wayfair.com, Joss & Main, AllModern, DwellStudio, and Birch Lane brands. It also sells its products through online retail partners. Wayfair Inc. was founded in 2002 and is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts.

6 comments on “Wayfair (W)
  1. newlonkongCIO says:

    Could Walmart buy Wayfair? One analyst says it’d be a good match.

    read at


    The share price of Boston-based Wayfair Inc. was flirting with an all-time high on Tuesday

    Wayfair share price chart is here:


  2. newlonkongCIO says:

    Wayfair just announced 2016Q4 results, the revenue has gone up from USD 862 millions in 2016Q3 to USD 984 millions in 2016Q4, a significant increase of about 14% in 3 months ! Compared to 2015Q4, the revenue increased from USD 740 m to USD 984 m, an increase of 33% in 12 months.

    Wayfair has seen sales up every quarter in the past year, indicating customers like its products.

    The adjusted EBITDA (Earnings before income tax and depreciation and amortisation ) is a 1.2% loss of the total revenue, compared to a gain of 0.4%.

    The loss is significantly widened in 2016 , – 194 millions compared to – 77 millions in 2015. The loss is about – 194/3380×100 = – 5.7% of the total revenue in 2017, compared to – 77/2249 = -3.4% in 2015.

    The loss is mainly due to administration expenses (advertising, administration etc.).

    The share prices have dropped significantly after the announcement of the results, down about – 6.5% on the day.

    Now the company is valued at 38.7 USD per share x 84,977,000 shares = 3.3 Billions USD. The sales revenue is 3.38 Billion USD.

    Price / Sales <1.

    As the company revenue grows rapidly, the business is taking off.

    Compare to Amazon.com: Sales = 136 billions USD, market capitalisation = 407 Billions USD, prices / sales = 3.

    Amazon.dom 's operational incomee margin for 2016 is 4186/135987 = 3%.
    Wayfair 's operational loss margin for 2016 is -196/3380 = -5.8%.

    Can Wayfair improve its operational efficiency by 9% to become another Amazon.com of home goods ?

    The market capitalisation here for Wayfair is <1 x revenue , thus are not that expensive for long-term investment.

  3. newlonkong says:

    The current price is about 3.14 x Sales of the trailing 12 months.

    Cheap .

  4. newlonkongCIO says:

    This internet company in the US grows so fast !

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